
Realization (Supernatural Castiel x Reader Insert)

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Okay, first, I would not recommend reading this without having made it to at least season five *SO STOP READING NOW IF YOU DON'T WANT MAYBE A FEW SPOILERS OR IMPLIED SPOILERS.* Second, this is (sort of) a Valentine's Day special thing, so I took some liberties with timing and whatnot. First time writing any of the Supernatural guys, so don't be too hateful; I wanted this to be funny. ALSO, SEX IS MENTIONED, BUT IT'S NOT A LEMON OR ANYTHING, I PROMISE. So I'm not labeling this as mature. Castiel is human in this. Okay? Okay. And, cue fanfiction.

"Augh, stupid Valentine's Day."

"Are you going to finish your fries?"

Rolling your eyes at yet another cheesy jewelry store commercial, you turned your attention to the angel seated beside you on the dingy hotel room couch.

Well, technically, ex-angel; he'd been human for just a little while now, and it was still quite an adjustment for everyone. Especially the hunger cravings, random anger tantrums, and whenever he actually grew bored.

"Knock yourself out," you responded, stifling a giggle at the (very human/child-like) way his face lit up as he snatched them from your extended hand.

"Why would you wish harm on me? If you would like these, you may have them. They were yours, after all," Castiel said, reluctantly holding them back out to you, confusion written in his vessel's beautiful eyes. This time, and uncontrollable laugh blared out of you.

"No, no; go ahead and eat them, Castiel. It's an expression. I was telling you to have at them."

Understanding slowly flooded his face, and he actually shot you an adorably winning smile before promptly shoving an entire handful of fries into his mouth. A muffled 'hank oo' was muttered to you, and you chuckled to yourself at his antics.

Human Castiel was just as fantastic as angel Castiel in your opinion, but you knew how useless he truly felt. During your adventures with the lovely Winchester boys, you had developed feelings for the angel. Knowing that they would never be returned was painful, but it had been expected. After all, he had been an angel; they don't experience emotions quite like humans do.

Although, now he was in fact human...

"Why is that day stupid?" His gravelly voice broke your reverie.


"You do not appear to enjoy the day that has been on the uh... t.v. all day. Why?" Castiel asked, looking between you and the television, proud that he had remembered the name of the human contraption.

"Oh. Um, well, it's just... Valentine's Day is a holiday we have where you're supposed to spend the day with the person you love. Nowadays it's all about not being alone and finding that 'perfect gift' for that special someone, which is bull in its own right," you said in explanation, hoping to put an end to the conversation.

"I still don't understand. Does this mean you and Sam and Dean will all exchange gifts? Am I required to partake in this ceremony?"

You let out another laugh, and continued chuckling to yourself as you heard Castiel let out an annoyed huff.

"No, no. We won't exchange gifts; I meant love as in romantic love, Cas. Not the family bond I have with the guys. Anyways, I just feel like you should always treat that special someone with love, not just specifically on one day. And the best gifts come from the heart and are meaningful, not just some sort of expensive necklace or something that a guy buys hoping to get some."

"What would he be getting 'some' of in return for a necklace?"

At this, you choked on your drink, face turning pink. You did not want to have a sex talk with Castiel.

"I'll tell you when you're older."

Castiel gave you a flat look. "(NAME), I am thousands of human years old. How much older must I be?"

"How much older for what?" The voice of Dean traveled through the doorway as he and Sam returned from trying to gather leads about Lucifer and the apocalypse.

"For me to tell Castiel all about what you do with trampy women you pick up in bars."

"I will have you know that the women I am with are some of the classiest and most talented women you will ever meet."

"Tell that to you antibiotics," you retaliated, scrunching your nose distastefully at his 'talented' comment, eliciting a hearty laugh from Sam as Dean glared at you briefly.

"Sweetheart, if this is jealousy 'cause you wanna get with The Dean, all you had to do was ask," he said seductively, with a smirk and a wink.

"In 'The Dean's' dreams," you muttered, turning your attention back to the cheesy romantic comedy you had previously been watching.

"Every night, babe."

"When (NAME) was discussing what you do with women earlier, Dean, was she talking about fornication?"

This time it was Dean's turn to choke on his drink as he sent a malevolent look towards your sleeping form and a silently chuckling Sam (who was simply relieved that Castiel was asking Dean instead of him).

"Jesus, Cas, don't call it that."

"Ah, yes, I believe you prefer the term 'sex'."

"What the hell is this about?"

"Have you had a sexual relationship with (NAME)?"

Silence fell over the room as Dean exchanged a look with Sam before turning to stare at the former angel, dumbfounded.

"What? No. I'm pretty sure (NAME) would rather have sex with Lucifer than she wold me. Damn, Cas."

"So you have no ah," Castiel paused for a moment as he struggled to remember the human term you had said earlier, "romantic interest in (NAME? And do you really believe she would be interested in a relationship with Lucifer?"

"What the hell are you going on about? No, I have no interest in (NAME) that way," Dean said, shuddering, since he basically viewed you as a sister. "And I was exaggerating to get my point acrosss, Cas. (NAME) hates Lucifer."

"Good. I do not want either of you having a sexual relationship with (NAME)," Castiel said as a strange look fell upon his face. After a few moments of confusion, Dean realized it was his look of relief. The dots connected themselves in his head.

"Well, about damn time you admitted you were crushing on (NAME)," Dean said with his signature smirk and a chuckle.

"I have no desire to crush (NAME)," Castiel responded immediately in an almost appalled manner, "I would never harm her."

His deadly serious tone only served to fuel Dean's amusement, as he was soon shaking with laughter.

"He means you like (NAME), Castiel," Sam stepped in, stifling his own laughter as he attempted to help the inexperienced angel.

"I certainly do not have a reason to hate her."

Dean barked out a resounding laugh, causing you to stir in your slumber on the bed. Sam rolled his eyes and cast a weary look your way.

"Dean, shut up- she's exhausted," he said, glaring at his brother before turning back to Castiel, "And I meant you like (NAME). Like, romantically. You love her."

"I do?" The brow on the man's face wrinkled in bewilderment as he cast a lingering look towards you, focusing on the way your chest rose and fell as you slept on peacefully, not a single worry etched on your face. Oh, how he wanted to extend that peace and keep you out of the current (and future) war raging on Earth.

An irritated sigh forced its way through Dean's lips.

"Yes, you do. I figured so much given how protective you were about her when you were all hopped up on angel juice, but it's become so damn obvious ever since you turned human. Trust me, you show all the cliche signs, man," he said, giving the angel a look that said 'don't-argue-with-me.'

Swallowing thickly, Castiel looked towards you again, feeling a considerable amount of heat flood his face.

"I don't know what I am supposed to do."

"Tell her."

"What? You gotta be kidding me, Sammy. We're in the middle of the friggin' apocalypse, and you tell Cupid here to confess his love? We don't need any more distractions when the fate of the whole friggin' planet is in our hands."

"Which makes this the perfect time, Dean. What if something happens to one of them? Then they would have died without knowing. I say go for it, Cas. If you want, I'll help you do something special for her for Valentine's Day next week."

Castiel stared off into space blankly, shifting through his thoughts and what were apparently his feelings towards you before responding to Sam.

"...That would be appreciated, Sam. I do not fully understand the holiday or this...feeling, so I will need some help."

Sam gave Castiel a strained grin and Dean a burning look before returning to his internet search for any apocalyptic signs across the country. Dean sighed as he poured himself another drink.

"All right, Romeo, got any ideas?"

Dean rolled his eyes again as he received no response from Castiel, who had taken to staring at you again, having realized that the Winchesters were right about his feelings toward you.

Love. He loved you. And for the first time since he had arrived on Earth, Castiel felt a brief moment of peace and contentment.

'Being human may not be so bad, after all.'
Just something I quickly threw together, forgive my grammar/spelling, and  it's pretty cliche. But, I hope that wasn't TOO awful. I've never even thought about writing anything Supernatural, but I've recently been re-watching it (currently on season 6 again) and despite how the reader feels in this, I LOVE Valentine's Day and I really wanted to write something even vaguely related to it, and I knew I couldn't pull that off with Spock. So, Castiel it is :) Constructive criticism is welcome, but please do remember I've never written any of them before, much less Castiel.

Plus, like I said, it was supposed to be funny. Enjoy!
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DaisyChainMayhem's avatar
I choked on my drink.